Ute Waldhausen + Jan Molzberger
Finissage: Sunday, 14 January – 3-6pm
5pm Concert with Robert Schalinski, Ute Waldhausen and some voices
Exhibition: 9 December, 2023 – 14 January, 2024
open by appointment: mailto@after-the-butcher.de
or: +49 178 32 98 106

Questions to Autonomy in the Year 24.000
We are in paradise.
In a gay paradise. No more trans bodies comparing themselves to countries in theory. Theory no longer exists, nor does what was called human once.
The gay paradise no longer needs Eve. The apple is an apple again, you can eat it or leave it.
Eve is now a tree, an android tree, with cables in her spinal cord that have long since given up the ghost. Nothing flows here anymore, her back is no longer a back, but an open landscape with a blue background.
Everything feminine there has de-formed into signal-dead details. Her spinal cord is now floating space.
We are in outer space. A universe without sexual events.
A water bong flies by, a body of smoke, an object of intoxication. Without an interest of consumption.
We would float in this space if we would still exist. We could reach for the glass body and inhale. And get twisted afterwards.
There are objects that are like short stories, without a beginning or an end. They seem dystopian and therefore always out of place. Displacement is an elementary question of autonomy,
as it seems so displaced within the networks of collectivization. Bound to human cords.
Do apples know about their neighbours on the tree,
do they feel how they develop in form and colour,
how they surrender to the given circumstances?
Do they envy the pears, are they autonomous? Do they have a goal?
Do they notice when you walk past them, do they like it when you see them, pick them up, eat them, compost them, photograph them?
Apples fly through space. They are not altered in any way. They are autonomous beings that do not speak, but are.
They fly, just as they were hanging on the tree, same constellation just tree-less.
The water bong cannot fly through them.
The apple formation forms an autonomous shield.
They move towards zero, while the jar with the cables moves towards one.
Spatial performance.
What we are about to see has never been shown or seen before. It is unique and limited to a short time only.
If you go there, you will experience the universe.
You can fly, but only in your imagination.
You will move through a space that does not exist,
that passes by and perhaps touches something.
You will hear something, you will see rotations and a lot of installed stillness where something has moved through once.
It’s a museum in a gay universe. In which we still find flying apples and comments on the wall.
People do things, people whose names have three letters. They don’t share these letters.
Everyone has a different one.
There is an A, an E, a J, a U, an N and a T like expensive, thoughtful, awkward, jubilant, extreme and different. All letters have experienced some time and have made decisions and yet they are sometimes not fully aware of themselves.
They walk a lot and they are happy to be. They like to watch while walking.
They collect while watching while walking. They like to be with themselves. They are autonomous.
So is the space they will give to us.
Form and life.
In response to autonomy in the 24th millennium.
(pour Jacques)
Text: Nine Budde