Romana Schmalisch

Exhibition February 25 – April 6, 2013
open by Appointment on ++49.179.6636 979 or ++49.163.1618993
Exercise 30. Lifting and rolling with heavier tyre
Preparation: Tyre lying at right side close to the stance. Feet together. Bending of knees and grip. Lifting of tyre to vertical position with right step to right (next to tyre), left foot closes. Rolling of tyre closely around the body to other side, gripping with = left hand. Right step to the right, left leg closing. And placing tyre on ground knees bending. Repeat same to the left.
Command: grip – step – close – roll – step – close – place – stand.
Observe: that you are always near the tyre. That you perform the movement as quickly as possible. That your legs and steps are very mobile.
[The Laban=96Lawerence Tyresoles Training Manual, 19th May 1942]